Derek Bruff’s blog provides lots of information on this topic.
Research-based practices for effective clicker use (Roger) – Large study from 2007 (approx 4000 students) at large research uni in US. Clickers mostly used in STEM subjects. Key points: 1. Staff improve over time at using clickers effectively. 2. Conceptual questions are most popular with students, and they find these most useful when used to stimulate peer discussion in active sessions (as opposed to factual recall type questions)
Transforming student learning with classroom communication systems, Ian Beatty, 2004 (Suzi) – Description of the teaching method they have developed for leaching Physics to large groups. Lots of practical advice.
Clickers in the Large Classroom: Current Research and Best-Practice Tips, Jane E Cladwell, 2007 (Suzi) – Literature review containing advide we may want to summarise and make available on the website.
Improved Learning in a Large-Enrollment Physics Class (Nic), Louis Deslauriers, et al. (2011) Science 332, 862 (2011). A useful paper that presents robust evidence of significant educational benefits of remodelling large lecture teaching to incorporate a range of clicker techniques. The research methodology is interesting, if not slightly controversial, and there are useful citations to other studies as mentioned in bullets above.
Possible future reading:
- Evidence for the Efficacy of Student-Active Learning Pedagogies
, Jeffrey E Froyd, 2007 (referenced by Nic’s article) – Summary of (other people’s) research supporting the use of: collaborative/cooperative learning, inquiry teaching, peer-led team teaching, problem-based learning, process-oriented guided inquiry learning, SCALE-UP
- Support online material for improved learning in a large enrolment physics class
, L. Deslauriers, E. Schelew, C. Wieman, 2011 (support material for Nic’s article) – evaluation methods (including survey questions), in-class questions used (with comments from instructors), discussion of the Hawthorn effect (and why they believe it does not apply)