We looked at the Grand research challenges for TEL from Stallarnet and at some of the background papers
and IoE TEL programme themes
Socio-Technical Change: Computing, Bioscience, Maths by Dave Cliff
– very accessible article looking at the next 20-50 years in technology, touching on: climate and energy issues; the importance of highly-mathematically-literate researchers; likely increases in computing power / reductions in cost of computing; disruptive technologies every 10 years (cloud computing -> ubiquitous and pervasive computing -> quantum computing); recording life / external personal memories; 3d printing …. and much more (I only read about half the paper) -Suzi
Open Educational Practices and Resources – OLCOS Roadmap 2012 – overview of OER developments (written in 2007) and recommendations for policy makers, institutions, teachers and students on how to address OER-related challenges. Emphasis on need for change in teaching practice from teacher-centred to more active participative student-centred approach to help learners develop digital competencies in order to succeed in a knowledge-based society – Roger
Other things that came up:
- RSA Animate – Changing Education Paradigms
– animation of Ken Robinson on what education was and will be for
- Stanford AI
MOOC – Seb Schmoller has been attending this and writing about it. See also What we can learn from Stanford
(Seb’s summary in ALT newsletter).