Smart pens for worked examples – a new case-study

By Suzi Wells

There’s a new case study on our main site: worked examples using smart pens in biochemistry. As part of our e-pens pilot project, Gus Cameron in Biochemistry has been providing animated-PDFs with audio commentary for his students, showing how to work through questions.

The pens have proved easy to use and the materials well-received by students. It’s unfortunate that the PDFs produced are, because of their audio content, strictly-speaking not standards compliant. But they work fine in Adobe PDF viewer, which is freely available and standard for computers at Bristol. I’m not sure we’d recommend them to create a bank of re-usable learning materials but as a quick and easy way to create just-in-time materials, especially containing diagrams or notation, they seem very good.

Things we’ve been reading about

Recent TEL-related picks from the team.

Online approaches to marking and feedback

By Roger Gardner

As part of the Education Excellence Seminar series organised by Phil Langton in the Faculty of Medical and Veterinary Sciences, I presented recently on ideas for using technology to enhance marking and feedback.

The aim of the session was to raise awareness of a range of options in this area. In between some demonstrations and consideration of benefits and issues, there was plenty of discussion and questions. We looked at some examples from our collection of case studies on the TEL website, and there was interest from some colleagues attending in trying out some of the approaches in the coming year, including screencast feedback and Turnitin Grademark.